The Gilsum Public Library
Important Update:
For patrons who access content through the NH Downloadable Books Consortium website or the Libby app, a password requirement for these accounts is going in to effect on Tuesday, September 17th at 2:30pm. Users will experience a brief interruption in service at this time and will then be prompted to enter a password. Passwords have been set to the last name of the registered user, all lower case with no special characters. Library card numbers will not be changing.
If you have any questions or are having trouble accessing your account please don’t hesitate to call or email the Library.
Library Hours
Tuesday 2:30 – 6:00
Wednesday 10:30 – 12:30
Thursday 5 – 7
Saturday 10 – 2
Or by appointment at 352-4826
The Gilsum Public Library is closed for all Federal Holidays
650 Route 10, Gilsum, NH 03448
Library Staff
Director – Lenoir Law
Assistant – Lisa Warren
Library Trustees
Library Board of Trustees Meetings
- The second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Library
- Minutes of Trustees meetings are in the display case outside the library.
Book Club
Our book club meets at 7 pm on the last Tuesday of the month. They read and discuss novels, memoirs and biographies. Everyone is invited to attend. Copies of the latest book are available at the desk. More information may be obtained by calling the library, 352-4826 or Karen Hastings, 352-1401.
Library Policies
2023 GPL Stats:
1,596 Library visits
2,666 materials borrowed
10,150 physical books available
210 DVDs, plus a rotating collection through the Nubanusit Library Co-op
18,438 eBooks available through NHDB
14,416 audiobooks available through NHDB
5,381 magazines available through NHDB